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Online E-learning Course on Basic Techniques for Tsetse Flies Dissection

Tsetse flies are the sole cyclical vector of African trypanosomes (AT) in sub-Sahara Africa. These Trypanosoma parasites cause sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in cattle. Vector dissections are a rapid way of getting information on tsetse population structure, dynamics and trypanosomosis status in an area. In addition, dissections are essential to measure the impact of tsetse control methods such as the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). This e-learning course describes basic techniques for the dissection of tsetse aiming species identification, sexing, aging and determination of Trypanosoma infection rates in tsetse flies, which is part of entomological baseline data collection.


A prerequisite for participation is a basic knowledge on tsetse taxonomy, anatomy, biology, and collection methods. Information on these aspects can be found in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), training manual on tsetse biology, systematics, and distribution; techniques and the FAO/IAEA Guidelines on the collection of entomological baseline data for tsetse area-wide integrated pest management programmes.

Curso en línea sobre Evaluación del Riesgo en Materia de Inocuidad de los Alimentos

El objetivo del presente curso, desarrollado en el marco del proyecto RLA5080, Fortalecimiento de la colaboración regional entre laboratorios oficiales para hacer frente a nuevos desafíos relacionados con la inocuidad de los alimentos (ARCAL CLXV). Transferir un conocimiento básico e intermediario en la Evaluación del Riesgo en Materia de Inocuidad de los Alimentos, así como sus aplicaciones prácticas.

 El curso consiste en dos partes: 

  • Parte 1: Principios de análisis de riesgo y 
  • Parte 2: Introducción al software @Risk

 En la primera parte del curso los participantes se familiarizarán a lo largo de siete módulos con los principios del análisis del riesgo en general y, más específicamente, en el contexto de la exposición de los alimentos a contaminantes químicos. 

 La segunda parte ofrece una introducción teórica (un módulo) y práctica al uso del software @Risk, incluyendo ejercicios de exposición crónica y aguda (cuatro actividades prácticas). Se recomienda tener acceso al software. 

 Cada sección finaliza con un cuestionario al que se debe responder para pasar a la siguiente fase. Tras el cumplimiento exitoso del curso, la/el participante obtendrá un certificado oficial.

El curso está disponible en línea y fue creado para un aprendizaje a la medida de las necesidades del usuario.

RESPONSIBLE_PERSON: TC-Training.Contact-Point@iaea.org

Fruit Sampling for Area-Wide Fruit Fly Programmes

Fruit sampling in Area-Wide Fruit Fly Integrated Pest Management (AW-IPM) programmes, is applied to detect the presence or absence

of the target fruit fly species in an area. It is also applied to monitor immature stages of the pest to determine those fruits that are hosts

as well as fruit fly spatial and temporal distribution and abundance. This information is used by programme managers to plan and implement

prevention, suppression or eradication activities. Fruit sampling can work as a stand-alone pest surveillance tool or it can be complementary to

fruit fly trapping. The aim of this e-learning is to understand the principles behind fruit sampling as part of the area-wide fruit fly programme.

By successfully completing this course, you will be able to apply the lessons learned in real life operational programmes.

Action Plan Against Quarantine Fruit Fly Species of the Genus Batrocera spp.


The course is based on the harmonized procedures manual for the eradication of outbreaks of invasive fruit fly species of the Genus Batrocera. It is aimed at providing the basis for the delimitation of a pest incursion and eradication of outbreaks of fruit fly species that respond to the male specific attractant Methyl Eugenol such as the Oriental fruit fly (B. dorsalis) as well as against fruit flies that respond to Cuelure such as the melon fly (B. (Zeugodacus) cucurbitae)).  The methods and technologies that have been described have been validated and used in action programmes against these pests by the National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) of several FAO and IAEA Member States.   

Language: Spanish


Curso de capacitación en empaque, transporte, retención y liberación de moscas estériles en programas de control de moscas de la fruta en áreas amplias

El curso presenta los procedimientos necesarios para garantizar que las moscas de la fruta estériles liberadas sean de la mejor calidad y que las densidades de liberación de moscas sean adecuadas según las necesidades de los programas de la TIE en áreas amplias. El objetivo de este curso es facilitar la transferencia de tecnología harmonizada e innovadora a los Estados Miembros de la FAO y de la OIEA que quieran poner en marcha programas de acción en áreas amplias que usen la TIE. El curso cubre la fase de posproducción de la aplicación de la TIE, incluyendo estos temas: empaque, transporte, envíos de larga distancia, manejo, emergencia y retención en centros de liberación, preparación de adultos para la liberación; liberación aérea de moscas estériles, liberación terrestre de moscas estériles, densidades de liberación de moscas estériles, apoyo del GPS-GIS para programas de liberación de adultos estériles, interpretación de recapturas de moscas estériles, diseño de un centro de empaque, retención, enfriamiento y liberación de moscas de la fruta. Este curso estará organizado en módulos por temas específicos e incluirá un módulo para evaluar el conocimiento de los estudiantes.  

Language: Spanish


Training course on Packing, Shipping, Holding and Release of Sterile Flies in Area-wide Fruit Fly Control Programmes

The course presents the procedures required to ensure that released sterile fruit flies be of the best possible quality and that the sterile fly release densities are adequate to the needs of area-wide SIT programmes. This course is aimed at facilitating the transfer of harmonized and state of the art technology to FAO and IAEA Member States that want to embark on area-wide action programmes that use SIT. The course covers the post-production phase of SIT application including the following topics: Packing, transportation, long distance shipment, handling, emergence and holding at release centre, preparation of adults for release, aerial sterile fly release, ground sterile fly release, sterile fly release densities, GPS-GIS support to sterile release programmes, interpretation of sterile fly recapture, design of fruit fly packing, holding, chilling and release centre. The course will be organized in modules by specific topics and will include a module for evaluating students proficiency.

E-learning Course on Fruit Fly Trapping in Support of SIT Implementation in IAEA and FAO Member States

The course will provide users with a means to learn the basic principles and applications of fruit fly population sampling using trapping systems. It presents the different types of traps and lures and the species that respond to them. The strategic uses of trapping in area-wide fruit fly programmes are described including survey for detection, monitoring and delimitation. The different trap densities used depending on the programme objective (suppression, eradication, prevention) are presented. General procedures to deploy and operate a trapping network are also described.         


Dosimetry for SIT - Gafchromic® Film Dosimetry System for Gamma Radiation


Course on use of the Gafchromic® dosimetry system for confirming the dose of gamma radiation applied for the sterile insect technique (SIT). This course brings together in one place a description of the components of the Gafchromic® dosimetry system, the procedure for its characterization, and its application to process validation and process control, together with references to the relevant standards (ASTM 2015). It provides a readily available source of information that can be accessed by both research workers and production facility managers. Even though this dosimetry system can be used for various types of radiation, including electrons, the procedures described are limited to gamma radiation.

This course is provided free of charge and is meant for self-study. There are no pre-requirements for accessing the course. Accessing this resource only requires self-registering for this platform.


Food Irradiation - Technology, Applications and Good Practices

Food Irradiation e-learning


This course was produced as an output of the Technical Cooperation Project RAS 5057: “Implementing Best Practices of Food Irradiation for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Purposes”. It was designed for different types of audiences, ranging from members of the general public interested in scientific and technical information about the basics of the food irradiation process to academics, regulators, users of the process and operators of irradiation facilities who may use this course as training material. The number of lessons offered depends on the selected category. Taking all the lessons will prepare for compliance to international standards such as ISO 14470.

This course is provided free of charge and is meant for self-study. There are no pre-requirements for accessing the course. Accessing this resource only requires self-registering for this platform. The project strives to provide constant update and the addition of resources. 

Irradiacion de alimentos - Tecnologia, Applicaciones y Buenas practicas - Spanish

Food Irradiation e-learning


Este curso fue elaborado como resultado del Proyecto de Cooperación Técnica RAS 5057: “Implementación de buenas practicas en la irradiación de alimentos para propósitos sanitarios y fitosanitarios.” Fue diseñado para diferentes tipos de audiencias desde el público en general interesados en conocer las bases de la  información técnica y cientifica del proceso de irradiación en alimentos hasta académicos, oficiales de regulaciones, usuarios del proceso, y operadores de las instalaciones de irradiación y que podrán usar este curso, como un material de entrenamiento. El número de lecciones que se ofrecen depende de la categoria seleccionada. Tomando todas las lecciones la persona estará preparada para el cumplimiento de las normas internacionales como ISO 14470.

Este curso se ofrece sin costo y es de auto estudio. No hay ningún pre- requisito para acceder al curso. El único requisito es auto registrarse en esta plataforma. El proyecto constantemente se está actualizando y adicionando nuevos recursos.