Image of a pen and a folder with the IAEA logo. the text says office of legal affairs.


The IAEA contributes to nuclear non-proliferation through safeguards designed to verify States’ undertakings not to use nuclear material or related items for proscribed purposes (e.g. not to manufacture nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices). The legal framework for IAEA safeguards consists of an array of international agreements under which the IAEA has responsibilities to implement these safeguards. This legal framework includes the IAEA Statute, safeguards agreements, protocols to those agreements, and subsidiary arrangements.

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A concise introduction to the Safeguards Legal Framework

Safeguards Microlearning series:

States undertake to accept safeguards on the basis of international treaties that make up the legal framework for IAEA safeguards, including the IAEA Statute and safeguards agreements between States and the IAEA. Enter this course to learn about the safeguards legal framework and its various agreements.

First released in February 2023.

Duration: ~15 / Interactivity: Self-Study / Languages: English / Certificate: no certificate available / Level: Basic


IAEA safeguards under nuclear-weapon-free zone treaties

Safeguards Microlearning series:

Several groups of countries established regional nuclear-weapon-free zones (NWFZs) before and after the entry into force of the NPT. The regional treaties establishing NWFZs, similarly to the NPT, create safeguards obligations for their State Parties. enter this course page to find out more.

First released in February 2023.

Duration: ~10 mins / Interactivity: Self-Study / Languages: English / Certificate: no certificate available / Level: Basic


Nuclear Trade: Export Controls

Course Objective:

Ever wondered how nuclear trade export controls work? Nuclear Trade analyst Malin Ardhammar walks participants through how international safeguards and export controls are connected, the main reporting obligations under legal frameworks, the main features of the international regime governing export controls of nuclear material and related equipment, as well as the key elements of a domestic export control system.

First released in January 2022.


This video lecture is addressed to all individuals who are involved in import and export controls in their Member State.

Duration: 25-30 mins / Level: Basic / Interactivity: Self-Study / Languages: English / Certificate: no Certificate available
