This webinar series will provide an introduction to the education network activities of the NKM Section that focus on helping to ensure an adequate and sustainable pipeline of qualified nuclear professionals, which has been an ongoing challenge for many Member States. This webinar explores the role of co-operation and collaboration among educational institutions and industry to enhance and expand nuclear educational programmes.
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2.2 Building Junior Networks

This webinar will provide an overview of global initiatives undertaken to reach out to the next generation, inform and inspire young minds on Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and education in nuclear science and engineering.

Presenters will share their experience in introducing young students to nuclear science and technology and their different fields of application and describe innovative ways and tools offered to educators to incorporate nuclear topics in their curriculum, create their own resources, work together and, in turn, disseminate to the broader community.

By attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

• Learn about global collaborative outreach initiatives for 4 to 14 year old children

• Recognize the importance and means to spark young people’s interest in nuclear-related topics

Describe and access the resources used to inform and support teachers for the introduction of nuclear science and technology in their curriculum.

Webinar 2.1 Global Collaboration for Sustainable Nuclear Education Networks

During this webinar, international experts and networks representatives will share their experience and introduce participants to some of the good practices, mechanisms and tools globally harnessed by existing networks to support capacity building through the provision of nuclear education.

By attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

• Understand the role of educational networks to support nuclear educational programmes

• Understand the underpinning benefits, mechanisms and good practices

• Learn and benefit from the knowledge and experience shared by successful networks