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IEC Webinars - Compilation of Materials

On this page all materials of past IEC Webinars can be found.  The materials are ready to download and serve as a refresher for those who attended the webinar as well as for those who didn't have the possibility to attend any of the webinars but want to get acquainted with its materials. 

Webinar on lessons learned from incidents and accidents. 20 July 2023

In July 2014, the document Lessons learned from the response to radiation emergencies (1945–2010) – EPR-Lessons Learned 2012 was published in Spanish, which compiles and analyzes a series of radiological emergencies, occurred from 1945 to 2010, with an emphasis on some of them of international importance, and in the case of the Latin American region, they were the incidents in Goiania, Brazil; San Jose, Costa Rica and San Salvador. This publication additionally demonstrates the need to adopt arrangements regarding preparation and response to emergency situations, which are currently referenced in the IAEA Safety Guide GSR Part 7 (General Safety Requirements).

The lessons learned from these incidents and emergencies confirm the arrangements set forth in this General Safety Requirements publication. The effective application of these requirements in the field of emergency preparedness and response contributes to achieving an adequate level of preparedness and response to deal with any radiological emergency that occurs in a State and helps to minimize its consequences for people, goods, and the environment.