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Curso del Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica sobre Planificación Estratégica para Instituciones Nucleares Nacionales

Sustainable utilization

Un plan estratégico es un documento indispensable para una institución nuclear nacional (INN). Se utiliza para promover instalaciones eficientes, optimizadas y bien administradas, así como las actividades necesarias para cumplir con la misión de la institución. Un plan estratégico contribuye a la autosuficiencia institucional y la sostenibilidad. 

Este curso de aprendizaje electrónico está estrechamente relacionado con la publicación OIEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-T-3.16, Planificación estratégica para reactores de investigación (2017) que proporciona directrices y metodologías para el desarrollo de un plan estratégico para la utilización eficiente y sostenible de Un centro de reactores de investigación existente o planificado. El concepto se ha extendido para ser aplicable a otras instalaciones, como las instalaciones de aceleradores para la investigación o la producción de radioisótopos, las instalaciones de irradiación gamma y los laboratorios analíticos. 

Al completar el curso, obtendrá una comprensión y un enfoque práctico en los pasos requeridos para desarrollar e implementar un plan estratégico para una instalación específica o toda la INN. 

El curso se desarrolló con el apoyo de un proyecto regional de cooperación técnica del OIEA RAS0080 "promoviendo la autosuficiencia y la sostenibilidad de las instituciones nucleares nacionales". La versión española se desarrolló bajo el proyecto regional RLA1022 “Mejora de la satisfacción de la demanda regional de productos y servicios de reactores nucleares de investigación (ARCAL CLXXX)”. 

Para obtener información adicional, comuníquese con - Mencione el curso de planificación estratégica para NNIs de la OIEA.

Strategic Planning for National Nuclear Institutions

Sustainable utilizationA Strategic Plan is an indispensable document for a national nuclear institution. It is used to define what constitutes efficient, optimized and well managed facilities, as well as the activities necessary to fulfil the institution’s mission. A Strategic Plan contributes to institutional self-reliance and sustainability.

This e-learning course is closely related to the publication IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-T-3.16, Strategic Planning for Research Reactors (2017) which provides guidelines and methodologies for the development of a Strategic Plan for the efficient and sustainable utilization of an existing or planned research reactor facility. The concept has been extended to be applicable to other facilities such as accelerators facilities for research or radioisotope production, gamma irradiation facilities and analytical laboratories. The course aims to help such institutions find answers to the questions ‘what can I do now’ and ‘what should I do now’.

By taking the entire course the learner will gain an understanding and practical approach on the steps required to develop and implement a SP for a specific facility or the entire NNI within the scientific and socioeconomic context.

The course was developed with support of a regional IAEA technical cooperation project RAS0080 ‘Promoting Self-Reliance and Sustainability of National Nuclear Institutions’.

For additional information contact - please mention the IAEA NNI Strategic Planning elearning.

Specific Considerations and Guidance for the Establishment of Ionizing Radiation Facilities

Many applications of nuclear science and technology require access to Ionizing Radiation Facilities. Self-reliance and sustainability are key parameters to consider during the design, development and utilization phases of these facilities. Their deployment, with exception of very small scale equipment, commences with a comprehensive feasibility study, followed by the development of required infrastructure, which includes the facilities as well as legislative, regulatory and training aspects, among others. A well managed project is required to guarantee successful progress of its implementation and full utilization after the facility starts operation and services.  

The purpose of the course is to introduce guidance in the application of this methodology in the establishment of a new Ionising Radiation Facility through different phases of the project. It is directed at personnel of National Nuclear Institutions who require knowledge and practical experience in project management and implementation relevant to establishment of Ionising Radiation Facilities, including innovation and technology transfer initiatives as well as concrete programmes toward attaining self-reliance and sustainability. 

The course was developed with support of a regional IAEA technical cooperation project RAS0080 ‘Promoting Self-Reliance and Sustainability of National Nuclear Institutions’.

For additional information contact – please mention the IAEA e-learning course on Establishment of Ionizing Radiation Facilities.

Joint IAEA-ANL Training course on Strategic Planning and Management for Young Leaders (2020-2021)

The IAEA and the Argonne National Laboratory (USA) jointly organized a Training course on Strategic Planning/Management for young leaders of the Latin America and Caribbean region, from November 2020 to February 2021, under Technical Cooperation project RLA0069 "Promoting Strategic Management and Innovation at National Nuclear Institutions through Cooperation and Partnership Building -Phase II (ARCAL CLXXII)". This course collects the lectures presented, which are relevant to all other regions as well. The course covers topics such as: Stakeholders; Threat Analysis & Strategic Considerations; Action Planning & Reviewing; Facility Operations and Management; Organizational Structure & Personnel development; Finance; Outreach and Marketing; Change Management. Different types of facilities are considered, including Research Reactors; Gamma Irradiation; Production of Radiopharmaceuticals or radioisotopes; E-beam accelerators; Calibration services; Analysis services (isotope hydrology, NDTs, etc).

Strategic Planning and Integrated Management Systems for Ionising Radiation Facilities and associated infrastructure

The IAEA organized a Regional Training Course on Strategic Planning and Integrated Management Systems jointly with the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN), under Technical Cooperation project RAS0080 " Promoting Self-Reliance and Sustainability of National Nuclear Institutions". The purpose of the course is to introduce and discuss a set of management tools and methodology concepts for an effective management and operation of Ionising Radiation Facilities and associated infrastructure. The course aims also to provide a forum that allows participants to share their experiences, challenges and lessons learned through their own examples of recently implemented or ongoing projects. This e-learning course collects the lectures presented. The course covers topics such as: Strategic planning, Integrated management system, Change management, R&D vs commercial activities, Technology transfer and provision of products and services, Knowledge preservation and management, Education and training aspects, including through a number of case studies.